Monthly Archives: April 2012

Motivational Monday – Waking up Full of Awesome!

“There was a time when you were five years old, and you woke up full of awesome.

You knew you were awesome.

You loved yourself.

You thought you were beautiful, even with missing teeth and messy hair and mismatched socks inside your grubby sneakers.

You loved your body, and the things it could do.

You thought you were strong.

You knew you were smart.

Do you still have it?

The awesome.

Did someone take it from you?

Did you let them?

Did you hand it over, because someone told you weren’t beautiful enough, thin enough, smart enough, good enough?

Why the hell would you listen to them?

Did you consider they might be full of shit?

Wouldn’t that be nuts, to tell my little girl that in another five or ten years she might hate herself because she doesn’t look like a starving and Photoshopped fashion model?

Or even more bizarre, that she should be sexy over smart, beautiful over bold?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Look at her. She is full of awesome.

You were, once. Maybe you still are. Maybe you are in the process of getting it back.

All I know is that if you aren’t waking up feeling like this about yourself, you are really missing out.”

Source: Cathy Savage (Cathy Savage Fitness)

Three Things Thursday – Its Been a “Super” Week

So I’ve pretty much been M.I.A. for about a week now, and I must say its been a  “SUPER” week!

1. I’ve been SUPER sick!  I know last week I mentioned I had been to the doctor and just had a bad cold, but when I didn’t feel any better after another few days, I went back to the doctor only to find out that I had a sinus infection, a throat infection, and bronchitis! Awesome! Too bad I didn’t get that diagnosis the first time, I would have been about 3 days ahead in my recovery. Oh well, at least I got some meds and have been getting better every day. Sinus infection is completely gone, throat infection is almost gone, but I’m still feeling the heaviness and congestion in my chest. Hopefully that will clear up in the next few days. 🙂

2. I’ve been SUPER busy! In preparation for next weeks OFSAA Women’s Sports School Conference, I have been making handouts and creating sample workouts (with custom timed playlists)  for my TRX Suspension Training Presenation. It has taken me much longer than I thought it would (isn’t that always the case…) in part because I couldn’t (and still can’t) find my TRX manual to provide me with the info I needed to make the handouts and workouts 🙂 I know… It’s been a while since I mentioned any decluttering projects… definitely need to get back at it!

Unfortunately that’s not the only thing I have on my plate right now. The conference ends Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday I have my BodyAttack Training! In preparation for this crazy intense, physically challenging weekend, I have to basically memorize the entire 55 minutes of choreography and be ready to actually teach 2 tracks! So, not only have I been to a few extra Attack classes this week, I’ve actually been practicing the tracks repeatedly in my living room 🙂 I’m off to a good start, but still have a lot of practice to do before leaving for the conference Wednesday morning if I’m going to pass the training weekend!

3. My house has been SUPER neglected! Because I have been so busy trying to get ready for next week, and since I basically tore the house apart looking for my TRX manual, our house is a disaster! That sucks in many ways! One, my cleaning lady comes tomorrow, which means that I have a lot of tidying to do tonight so she can actually clean while she is here! Two, my mom is coming next week to help with the kids while I am away, and she is a NEAT FREAK! Not just a little neat freak, but a serious neat freak! So not only do I have to tidy, I have to tidy like my mom is coming! And three, I don’t really have time to clean it! Seriously, that’s why it’s this messy in the first place! I guess I know what I will be doing tonight after he kids are in bed!

What has your week been like? Better or worse than mine? More or less busy? What gets neglected when you get super busy?
Please tell me I’m not the only one!!!

Motivational Monday! Obsessed.

So, I’ve been sick for about a week now, and haven’t worked out in 5 days. It’s killing me! Although I have no energy, and feel like crap, I still wish I could work out.

I want to run.

I want to sweat.

I want to feel good about myself.

Some people say I’m obsessed…..

I’ve worked so hard to get where I am in my half marathon training, that I don’t want to lose it. I’m nervous that when I run again I’m going to struggle. That it’s going to feel like it did 10 weeks ago when I started training. That it’s going to suck 😦

It’s only 5 weeks until the Toronto Women’s Half Marathon. 34 days til race day.

I need to get better.

I need to get back on track.

I need to run.

Friday Rant – Why I Hate Having a Cold

Here’s is my Top 10 list of why I hate having a cold…

10. Every time I swallow it feels like I am swallowing knives. And when I tried to drink some OJ for the vitamin C, it burned like crazy!

9. I ate pancakes for dinner. Not even Ear Clean Pancakes, just regular, not so good for you, Aunt Jemima just add water pancakes. Yuck!

8. It’s not even 7pm on a Friday night, and there is nothing I want more than to go to bed. Unfortunately, my daughter didn’t wake up from her nap until 5pm, so she’s not quite ready yet!

7. I’m a total nose breather and since I am so stuffed up I have to breathe out my mouth. I hate it! It’s so dry and unnatural! Yuck!

6. Last night I had to get up and change both my pajamas and the bedding, not once, but twice, cause I was soaked with sweat!

5. I’ve used a box and a half of Kleenex in 24 hours…thank god it the lotion kind. Otherwise, I’m sure my nose would be falling off by now!

4. Of course I get sick when I have a TON of stuff to do. I have to do our taxes, prepare for the TRX Suspension Training presentation I am giving at the OFSAA Women’s Sports School Conference on May 3rd and 4th in St. Catherine’s, as well as the BodyAttack Training Course I am taking May 5th and 6th.

3. Despite cranking the heat up to 75 degrees, I’m still walking around he house shivering in a tank top, t- shirt, sweatshirt and fleece jacket, long johns and yoga pants, and two pairs of socks!

2. I’ve now missed two workouts in a row (a 4 mile run yesterday and my Skinny Jeans workout today), and I will definitely be skipping tomorrows workout too. Sunday doesn’t look too promising either 😦 Boo!

And the number one reason why I hate having a cold….

1. Cause despite telling the doctor at the walk-in clinic all if my symptoms…I walked out of there with nothing to help me get better. I know he’s the one with he MD and all, but seriously, I tough a fever and neon green phlegm was a sign of infection…I guess not. Sorry, that might have been a bit too much info 🙂

That’s it for today, Backyardigans is over, and that means time for Ryan to go to bed! I’m right behind her!


Three Things Thursday

1. I’m Sick! After my crazy weekend away, I came down with a horrible cold. I’ve had a fever and chills since Monday and pretty much no appetite at all. Things are finally starting to loosen up in my chest, so hopefully I am on the mend – although it doesn’t feel like it 😦 If I’m going to kick is thing, I definitely need to be going to bed earlier and drinking more liquids.

What’s your secret to quickly overcoming a cold?

2. I Skipped the Gym Today! Since I’m feeling so crappy, and yesterday’s BodyAttack almost killed me, I though I’d skip my run today and try and get some rest. I did get bit of a nap this afternoon, which was awesome, but I’m not sure one days rest is enough. I have a Skinny Jeans Workout tomorrow and a long run to do on Saturday. Maybe I can sweat this cold away!

3.My Secret to Drinking More Water. When I’m sick I have a hard time drinking water…it just doesn’t taste good. So, on the recommendation of my personal trainer, I picked up some MiO Liquid Water Enhancer from my local grocery store. I have to say, it did the trick. It’s easy to use (you just squirt it into your water bottle) tasty, and has no calories. I tried the Strawberry Watermelon flavour, but my store also carried Berry Pomegranate (which I think I will try next), Mango Peach and Fruit Punch. I also just noticed that there is MiO Energy which has some B Vitamins and Caffeine in it…might have to give that one a try on my next long run!

Have you tried MiO? What about MiO Energy? What did you think?

All I Wanted was a Nap!

After a crappy nights sleep (I’m pretty sure I had about 15 minutes of sleep after getting up at 4:30 am to feed Tanner), 7:15 am came way too early. The alarm went off and I just could not drag my butt out of bed. Unfortunalety, with one kid banging on her door to get out of her room, and the other starting to fuss in bed, I had no choice 😦 So, I got up, got the kids dressed, fed Tanner, got Ryan breakfast, and droped her off at daycare. The whole time, all I could think about was having a nap. So, thats exactly what I did….well tried to do…Unfortunately, Tanner had other plans. After hanging in bed for a bit and realizing there was no way he was going to sleep, I got up again, got dressed and headed to the gym.

Today’s workout was 2 x 1 km interval training. After a 5 minute warm-up, I kranked the treadmill up to 7.0 and ran 1 km at a pace of 5:24/km. I then walked for 2 minutes and did it again. After a quick 5 minute cool down I was done. Yay! Now I can head home for a nap 🙂

Oh wait, I have get groceries 😦

After picking up groceries and a Starbucks chai latte, it was time to head home…maybe I can squeeze in a nap?? Nope, gotta feed Tanner.

At least I enjoyed my latte as I fed Tanner his bottle 🙂

Ooh, was that a yawn? I’m sure I just saw him rub his eyes….maybe we can both have a nap?

So, we headed upstairs in hopes of F.I.N.A.L.L.Y having a nap….

SUCCESS! Tanner and I slept for a good two hours. Man, did I ever need that!

Have you ever had one of those days…when all you want to do is nap, but it seems impossible? What did you do to survive?

Cause I’m pretty sure I never would have made it through the day without one!

With the fridge fully stocked, and me fully rested, it was time to make dinner before picking up Ryan. On the menu, Eat Clean Pasta Rolls with Turkey and Spinach.

With all the ingredients ready to go, it was time to get cooking!


I must admit, this dish took a lot of time to prepare and cook – about a hour and a half. BUT…it was totally worth it! It was delicious!



Doesn’t look quite as nice as the picture in the recipe…oh well! It was super yummy! And, even after using this meal as my ‘dinner sharesies’, I still have leftovers for a few lunches 🙂 I will definitely be making this one again!

Are you eating clean?
What are your favourite eat clean recipes?

Motivational Monday! Have You Ever Had a Bad Day?

We’ve all been there.

You know what I’m talking about.

Totally losing control of our healthy eating habits.

Well, this weekend was a bit of a calorie overdose for me. And unfortunately, the scale totally reflected that at this weeks weigh-in.

But, I’m not going to beat myself up over it. I’m going to move on. Leave it behind. And get back on track.

I’m going to Eat Clean!

I’m going to exercise daily!

I’m going to show that scale who’s boss!

The Bad. The Better. The Best.

The Bad.

Monday is weigh-in day for the Skinny Jeans Challenge. YIKES! This weekend I consumed WAY TOO CALORIES! Although I didn’t actually eat too bad, I pretty much drank a whole case of Corona…maybe even a bit more!

The Better.

Although nowhere near caloric balance, I at least did a bit of exercise this weekend a burned a few calories.

Friday morning before my personal training session, I hopped on the treadmill and did this weeks ‘long run’ – a race pace 5k – and to my surprise, I did it in only 28 minutes 🙂

Right after that I had my training session where we did another new workout. This weeks focus was supersets. After a quick warm-up, we did 3 sets of each superset: Belgian split squats and push-ups, bent over rows and deadlifts, and double crunches and plank pull-ins. We finished up with a cardio blast and called it a day!

I also played a game of hockey Friday night and two on Saturday, which, again, didn’t burn many calories, it was at least exercise!

And lastly, in keeping with my 100 push-up challenge, I did workout 3 of week 1 (a total of 42 push ups) on Saturday afternoon. The best part was that my roomies did the workout with me 🙂 – which is kinda funny because I totally thought these girls would have been more likely to make fun of me, rather than join in! It’s a good thing no one else came by, they would have for sure made fun of us!








A total calorie burn of only 903 calories all weekend. I guess it’s better than nothing!

The Best.

This weekend was awesome! I had so much fun hanging with my best girlfriends and playing some hockey, that the extra 2.2 pounds and lack of sleep was totally worth it! All I can say is, thank God we only do this once a year!!!

Thanks for the great weekend Crushers!

Happy Friday!

OMG, I am so excited! My weekend away (sans kids and hubby) is finally here!

T minus 5 hours!!!

So much to get done before I go:

  1. Pack!
  2. Run – today I am doing a race pace 5k.
  3. Personal Training Session – my Skinny Jeans Workout is today 🙂
  4. Prepare some healthy snacks.
  5. Do the kids laundry – otherwise I will becoming home to them having nothing to wear on Monday!
  6. Tidy up – the leaning lady comes today 😉

I think that’s it….not much time so I’d better get started! Well, after I make my daughter pancakes for breakfast 🙂

Hope you have a great weekend. I will try to post some stories and pics of my super-fun weekend away with the girls (and playing a little hockey)!

What are your weekend plans? 

Three Things Thursday

1. So far in my marathon training I have run a total of 120 miles (192 kilometers). That’s like driving from Aurora all the way to Parry Sound – a 2 hour and 15 minute drive!

Only 100 more miles of training to go before race day! YIKES!

2. I have decided to sign up for the Sporting Life 10K race on May 13th. I figure I need a little fun in my training, so why not? It will be two weeks before my race, a great opportunity to see how fast I can actually go…or, just an easy 10K…we’ll see! Click on the picture below for more info.

3. This weekend I am going to Brockville to play in a hockey tournament with my favourite team, the Corona Crushers!  I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to this weekend! Yes, I’m going to miss my family, but I’m super excited to spend some quality time with my friends, have a few Corona’s and play some hockey. I haven’t been away in forever! OMG, I can’t wait! Only one more sleep!

The Corona Crushers at the Brockville Tournament 2011