Tag Archives: vacation

Three Things Thursday Friday – Our Vacation!

So, not only is this post a day late, its going to be super short! Hubby and I got in from our awesome week in Mexico just after 4 this morning and i’m really hoping to sneak in a quick nap before the kids wake up from theirs 🙂

1. I ate like a PIG!

Seriously. I ate more tortilla chips with guacamole and Pico de Gallo than I ever thought possible! And the huge fajita platter that I devoured on our dinner out in Playa del Carmen, OMG, it was sooo good! Can’t forget about all the bacon, pancakes and pastries I ate for breakfast everyday! Know what the best part was – I LOVED every bite!


2. I laid around like a SLUG!

Other than walking around the resort, a little swimming and a stroll through Playa del Carmen, I sat on my butt, read 3 books and only felt a LITTLE guilty about not working out!


3. And I drank like a FISH!

Have you ever had a blue daiquiri? I’m not exactly sure what’s it, but I think I saw the bartender throw these some blue curacao, some rum, a little lime juice and a scoop of ice in the blender – in no fixed portions – and viola – liquid blue sweet-tart…can you say YUMMO!


It was an awesome vacation, and I’d love to show you pictures of it…but some jerk stole our camera 😦

Three Things Thursday – The Countdown is On!

Seriously, I can’t believe it’s already Thursday – time is passing way too quickly!

1. 7 more sleeps! This time next week I will be on a plane for Mexico! I am so excited for a fun, relaxing, warm holiday with my husband! I cannot wait!

i love mexico

2. Only 18 days until I go back to work!

3. Which only leaves 10 days to get stuff done around the house! Yikes!


Friday’s tasks:

    • Complete return to work forms
    • Buy birthday gift
    • Organize clothes to give away

This weekends tasks

    • Summer tires away
    • Lawn furniture away
    • Get bed frame for Ryan
    • De-clutter – get rid of all the junk!
    • Get winter boots for the kids
    • Prep meals for kids while we are away

Do you have any suggestions for toddler meals I can make ahead of time? I’d love to get some new ideas!

Three Things Thursday! What A Week!

This has been a crazy week, super busy, but full of awesome!

1. Hubby and I just booked a vacation (sans kids) to Mexico…and we’re leaving in just 2 weeks! WooHoo! I’m super excited to be going on a much needed holiday – but have very mixed feelings about going without the kids.


2. Halloween was great! Ryan, Tanner and I went Trick or Treating last night, and although Ryan was not too keen on it at first, after a few houses she didn’t want to go home! I’d say her first Trick or Treating experience was a good one! Check out my cute little bee’s!!

Kids Halloween Photos

3. As a way to help me avoid my usual Halloween candy binge, I joined BeFitWithKristen in her Halloween Burpees Challenge. It works like this…for every piece of Halloween candy I eat between last Monday and November 7th, I need to do 10 burpees. Now, I know you’re probably saying, as if she actually does them, but I honestly have! For the last 4 days, I’ve done 30 buprees a day – which, if you know me at all, eating only 3 pieces of Halloween candy a day is a HUGE accomplishment. I can honestly say in the past, I would eat at least, at least, 15 pieces of candy in a day. Easily.

Is it the burpees? Am I actually developing my weakest muscle? Maybe its the fact that I will be wearing a bikini in two weeks….Whatever it is, I’m super impressed with myself!

How was your week? Did your little one’s enjoy Trick or Treating? Are you keeping your candy cravings in check?

What If? – August Writing Challenge #14

Today Blogger Challenge Question is: What if?

Well, I don’t really have any life changing what ifs so I’ve decided to put a little spin on today’s topic… I’ve decided to ask you a specific “what if” question….

What if you could go on a one week all-inclusive vacation anywhere you wanted…where would you go and why?


You see, my husband and I are planning on going on a little vacation (sans kids) before I return to work at the beginning of January. We absolutely LOVE Mexico, and have our sites set on a nice relaxing, but adventurous, week of fun in the sun. But, other than that, we really have no idea where to go!

I’d love to try somewhere new – a new destination, a new hotel… – but we want to make sure it is going to be awesome and that we at going to love it!

So, I’m hoping you can give us some ideas….Where would you go for a one week, all inclusive vacation? Why?

Three Things Thursday Saturday – Better Late Than Never!

Yep, it’s Satursay afternoon and I am finally getting to my Thursday post…it’s been another busy week and blogging just was not a priority. But now that I’m back, I have some catching up to do!

Here are 3 random things that have happened this past week…

1. The kids and I went to visit my sister Kim and her family for a few days at their cottage. They live in Hershey, PA, which is about 8 hours from here, so we don’t see each other very often…actually, it’s been about 5 years since our last visit! It was the first time the kids met each other, but they had a great time and played really well together. Here are some pictures of our visit.


The Boys (William and Tanner) hanging out at the park.


Ryan and Ellie hanging from the high bar.


Ellie absolutely LOVED Tanner and was super helpful while we were there. This is Ellie’s first time holding and feeding a baby…lucky Tanner!


We spent the morning at the beach playing in the water and building sand castles. Super Fun!


Well fed and happy kids! Pancake breakfast, ice cream cones and smores. Yummo!


Ryan didn’t actually eat a smore…but sure enjoyed eating all the parts separately!

2. I am so looking forward to Thursday…I am seeing the doctor again about my foot, and I am really hoping that she says I can take off this boot cast! I’ve had it on for 6 weeks, and I am so sick of it! I’m pretty sure that wearing it is messing up the rest of my body…my other knee is sore, my back…everything just feels out of whack!

I am supposedly to have it on for 3 more weeks, but my foot is actually feeling pretty good and the fracture sites don’t hurt anymore, so let’s hope it’s good news and I can start to work my way back into running and doing BodyAttack. Oh, and start to get myself back in shape…6 weeks of pretty much no cardio is not a good thing, I’m starting to feel a bit like a bowl of jiggly jello!

3. Since I finished my 40 Day Clean Eating Challenge, I have not been eating very well at all! I need to do something to get back on track…I’m thinking of trying a cleanse but have no idea how to go about choosing one. Any suggestions? It doesn’t have to be drastic – I’d actually prefer if it wasn’t- but I’m feeling really blah and feel like I need a bit of a body detox. If you’ve tried a cleanse with success, please share it with me. I’m going to do a bit of research this week and try to learn a bit more about cleansing…hopefully there is one out there for me!