Tag Archives: sweat

Motivational Monday!


5 Weird Things I Love – August Writing Challenge Day #10

Today is day 10 of The August Healthy Living/Fitness Blogger Challenge being hosted by Fitness Cheerleader. I’m totally loving this challenge, there have been a couple of deep topics and some fun, light-hearted ones too!

Today’s Blogger Challenge Question is: What are 5 weird things you love? Hmmm, this is a bit of a tough one since everyone has a different take on what’s considered weird, but, oh well, here’s my list…

Watered Milked down chocolate milk. I absolutely love chocolate milk, but find it way too thick and sweet straight up – so I cut it with a little white milk – probably about half and half.

Sweating. I love being super sweaty after a workout! I admit, it’s kinda gross, but for me, if I don get a huge sweat on I kinda feel like I didn’t work hard enough!


Scrapbooking. Although not really that wired, very few of my friends do it. I think it’s a great to present your memories – I mean people take tons and tons of pictures but never go back and look at them…whats the point of that? My two and a half year old daughter loves looking at her first year albums and that makes it totally worth being called a “scissor monkey” by my friends!

Sleeping on fresh sheets. I always have such an awesome sleep the first night of clean sheets. I don’t know what it is, but I love it!

Mexican food. I love, love, love mexican food…so much so that I’m pretty sure I could eat it every day!

Weird? I don’t know…maybe….

What are 5 weird things you love?

Friday Rant – Why I Hate Having a Cold

Here’s is my Top 10 list of why I hate having a cold…

10. Every time I swallow it feels like I am swallowing knives. And when I tried to drink some OJ for the vitamin C, it burned like crazy!

9. I ate pancakes for dinner. Not even Ear Clean Pancakes, just regular, not so good for you, Aunt Jemima just add water pancakes. Yuck!

8. It’s not even 7pm on a Friday night, and there is nothing I want more than to go to bed. Unfortunately, my daughter didn’t wake up from her nap until 5pm, so she’s not quite ready yet!

7. I’m a total nose breather and since I am so stuffed up I have to breathe out my mouth. I hate it! It’s so dry and unnatural! Yuck!

6. Last night I had to get up and change both my pajamas and the bedding, not once, but twice, cause I was soaked with sweat!

5. I’ve used a box and a half of Kleenex in 24 hours…thank god it the lotion kind. Otherwise, I’m sure my nose would be falling off by now!

4. Of course I get sick when I have a TON of stuff to do. I have to do our taxes, prepare for the TRX Suspension Training presentation I am giving at the OFSAA Women’s Sports School Conference on May 3rd and 4th in St. Catherine’s, as well as the BodyAttack Training Course I am taking May 5th and 6th.

3. Despite cranking the heat up to 75 degrees, I’m still walking around he house shivering in a tank top, t- shirt, sweatshirt and fleece jacket, long johns and yoga pants, and two pairs of socks!

2. I’ve now missed two workouts in a row (a 4 mile run yesterday and my Skinny Jeans workout today), and I will definitely be skipping tomorrows workout too. Sunday doesn’t look too promising either 😦 Boo!

And the number one reason why I hate having a cold….

1. Cause despite telling the doctor at the walk-in clinic all if my symptoms…I walked out of there with nothing to help me get better. I know he’s the one with he MD and all, but seriously, I tough a fever and neon green phlegm was a sign of infection…I guess not. Sorry, that might have been a bit too much info 🙂

That’s it for today, Backyardigans is over, and that means time for Ryan to go to bed! I’m right behind her!
