Monthly Archives: May 2013

Three Things Thursday – Check out These Recipes!

This weekend I’m hoping to get back on track with my Clean Eating. Here are 3 recipes I’m going to try:

1. These yummy treats…Jamie Eason’s Low Carb Coconut Macaroons


2. Some Kebabs on the BBQ:


3. And for breakfast Sunday morning…


I’m hoping this is the kick start I need to get me doing weekly food prep and quality meal planning!

I hope you have an awesome weekend!

I’d love to hear what Clean recipes you will be trying this weekend!

Motivational Monday – Believe in Yourself!


Tips For A Healthy Weekend

Saw this while I was poking around online and thought I’d share it with you.

Have a happy, healthy weekend!


Three Things Thursday – Short and Sweet!

My kids have just gone to bed, and I’m really looking forward to an early night myself, so this is going to be a super fast post.

I just wanted to share with you 3 awesome things I saw on Facebook this week.

1. This video of an amazing teen and his family. Lessons to be learned. Be forewarned – you’re probably going to cry!

2. Tosca’s Summer RESET Guide posted by The Eat Clean Diet Team.



3. This picture, which after getting some pretty shitty news at work today, is ridiculously appropriate!


So glad tomorrow is Friday!

Goodnight everyone!

Motivational Monday – Stay Positive!


Toddler Shenanigans

Here’s are a few totally random pieces of background information before I tell this story….

My daughter is 3.

She loves dresses (and princess crowns).

Our cleaning lady comes on Tuesdays.


Now for the story…

Most nights Ryan does not want to go to bed and pulls out all the stall tactics she can think of. She has a pretty good sense of when its bedtime and about 5 minutes before, she asks for a drink, or a snack, or a story, pretty much anything to allow her to stay up longer! Then after we get her in bed, she often sneaks half way down the stairs and sits there eavesdropping. We actually discovered this because one night she fell asleep there and actually fell the rest of the way down the stairs!!! Oops!

Anyways, last night my sister was over for a quick visit and we heard Ryan playing in her room, going back and forth between her room and the bathroom and then finally she not-so-quietly snuck down the stairs. After just finishing telling my sister that lately Ryan has been all about changing her clothes multiple times a day – which, apparently is something most little girls go through, and really, I’m ok with it – most times – she sheepishly came down the stairs asking for a drink wearing her Halloween bumble bee costume!

But it doesn’t end there. She has her drink, we say bye to my sister and I take her back up to bed to find this….(keep in mind her room was spotless when I put her to bed) ….


So, needless to say I was a little surprised to see this much mess! I mean she’s pulled a few things out of her dresser and changed a couple of times here and here, but this is crazy!

I tried my hardest not to laugh, but with her sitting there saying “I’m sorry mommy, I’m really, really sorry” it was hard not too!

So guess who’s learning to fold and put away laundry after daycare today! Yep, my sweet little girl!

And guess who will not have a dresser in her room for the next few weeks….yep, Ryan!!

Any other suggestions?
Ideas on how to help her fall asleep?

Motivational Monday – Be Ambitious!


Three Things Thursday!

Happy Thursday!

Hope your week is going well, mine has been crazy busy! Here’s what’s up:

1. I’m running again! Each month I give my classes a fitness related challenge and this months challenge is RUN STREAK – run everyday in May. The timing of this challenge is perfect, its gotten me out and running everyday and I’m loving it! Most days I’m not running very far – averaging about 4k a day, but at least I’m out there!


2. It’s that time of year again! I’m back at Brock University for 3 days helping run the OFSAA Coaching Symposium Conference. It’s a bi-annual conference for high school teacher coaches offering a variety of workshops and active sessions focusing on the technical side of coaching and providing sport-specific skills, drills and strategies.


If you’re a high school Health and Physical Education teacher and looking for some great coaching tips in a variety of sports and activities, check out the link and consider coming to our 2015 conference!

3. As I mentioned before, I was at a subject specific (Health and Physical Education) PD workshop on Monday and it was fantastic! I though I’d share with you one if the CrossFit workouts we did in one of the sessions.

Don’t Drop It!

Objective – in partners/teams- complete the following WOD with fastest time, however reps can only be accumulated while one person is holding a 65/85lb bar overhead, arms and ears in same plane.

50 double unders
30 laps of med ball carries (30 lb med ball)
50 burpee plate jumps
10 Handstands – hold for 10 seconds
30 single unders – 2 people in rope

Teams must complete all reps of one movement before moving on to the next. Any team member can rep out a movement and teammates can change up whenever they want. However, only one person can be working at a time. Reps don’t count when arms are no longer in same plane as ears. Officials must communicate well with each other to make this work – make sure someone LOUD is judging the bar!

Penalties – 5 sec
– dropping/picking up ball before feet get on plate during runs
– every other infraction – NO REP!!

Well, that’s it for today! I’m off to the conference dinner and social! Have a great night!

We Were Made to be Awesome!

So yesterday was our annual Health and Physical Education Professional Activity Day and I am happy to say I loved it! Conferences and workshops always get me so pumped up! I love leaning new things that I can take back to my classes to make working out and living a healthier lifestyle fun and exciting! Getting (and keeping) teens interested in health and fitness is not always an easy task!

I really enjoyed the keynote address – which, sadly, is not always the case. It totally got me motivated and thinking about how I can help our teens (and everyone else) live healthier lifestyles, and the active sessions throughout the day had me working up a sweat!

Over the next few days I will be sharing with you bits and pieces of my day.

Today I wanted to share this little video. I loved it!

I hope it’s the pep talk you need to be awesome!


Motivational Monday – Desire to Change!
