Tag Archives: Workout

Motivational Monday – Earn Your Body


Motivational Monday!


Three Things Thursday – Working Out With Jillian!

So, I found out last week that…..

1. I get to work out with JILLIAN MICHAELS!!!


Jillian is this years CanFitPro Conference Keynote Speaker and as a Group Ex Instructor for GoodLife Fitness I get the chance to participate in a BODYShred class led by THE Jillian Michaels!!!

I’m a little nervous of this…


…but I’m super pumped to be coached by Jillian Michaels! I’m thinking this just might be the most intense workout I’ve ever done!

2. If you’ve never seen or heard of BodyShred, it’s a group exercise class offered at GoodLife Fitness here in Canada and Crunch Fitness in the US. Basically, it’s a 30 minute, high intensity, endurance based workout. There are 4 rounds of 3 minutes strength training, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute of abs. There is no rest between exercises or rounds. Pretty much every exercise works multiple muscles and its an amazing workout that burns fat, builds muscle, and improves your health!


3. This will be my first ever celebrity led workout and I cant wait!! The countdown is on – only 22 days until I workout with Jillian! WooHoo!

Well, that’s my exciting news for today!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

Have you ever done a workout led by a celebrity trainer? If so, want to hear all about it!

If you haven’t, but could, who would you want to workout with and why?

Motivational Monday – I Shape Me!

Oops, totally forgot yesterday was Monday! Oh well, let’s get motivated!


Have a great week!

Tips For A Healthy Weekend

Saw this while I was poking around online and thought I’d share it with you.

Have a happy, healthy weekend!


Motivational Monday – Effort = Results!


Three Things Thursday!

1. Today is day 25 of my 30 Day Isagenix Cleanse and I’m feeling awesome! I’ve noticed improvements in my energy level, sleep quality, headaches, strength, muscle tone and body fat. I can’t wait to share my final results with you! Check back next week to hear my review of the products and program!

Want to read more about Isagenix? Interested in the 30 Day Cleanse? Click here.

2. Here are a few of the awesome eats I’ve had since starting my cleanse:


3. Check out the workout I did today with my fitness classes. It was awesome!

My Booty Rocks – HIITbody #2

Green Shirt Guy

So, as most of you know, I teach group ex classes – specifically BodyAttack – at GoodLife Fitness. Well, last night was the first Wednesday night class of the new schedule, and although it was a small class we all had a great workout and lots of fun – despite Green Shirt Guy

So, let me tell you what happened…

It’s about 10 minutes before the start of my class, I am hanging around outside the studio waiting for the BodyFlow class to finish,and chatting with a few ladies who are waiting to come to my class. The gym is fairly busy. There are a couple of guys hanging out around the studio as well, comparing workouts, getting drinks, flexing their muscles – you know, guy stuff!

Well, the flow class ends – a couple of minutes late – but it’s no big deal and bound to happen being the 3rd class of the night. Anyways, the ladies and I head in, I get the music started and get things set up. At that point, two guys walk in – one in a green shirt – who wants to skip, and some other guy – who starts setting up a step system to do who knows what. I politely let them know that the studio is being used for a BodyAttack class for the next hour, but that they are welcome to join in. Other guy gives a wave and leaves, Green Shirt Guy throws a mini tantrum and finally storms off. I then see him skipping outside the studio. Perfect – he’s doing what he came to do and so are we 🙂

About a half hour later another guy comes in – yep, in the middle of my classs – and pulls out a mat to do some stretching. Green Shirt Guy sees that this guy has come in and comes in again. I’m thinking, are you kidding me? but being a professional, I once again explain that we are in the middle of a group ex class, and if they wanted to join in they were more than welcome, but, otherwise, they had to go. We’d be done in about a half hour.

So, fast forward about 25 minutes, we’re in the middle of our stretch, and guess who comes in – AGAIN! Yep, Green Shirt Guy comes in with a few others this time. He pulls out a mat and starts skipping, another guy sets up a step and another couple are planning to do some partner stretching. I’m thinking – you can’t be serious! Really? So, for the third time, I politely ask them for a little respect, can they please give us a couple of minutes to finish up our workout. Green Shirt Guy then yells – RESPECT – and continues to shout about how we are 3 minutes overtime – that the class was to finish at 8:45 and he has every right to be in there. I apologize to my members, and continue on with the last couple of minutes of our class, trying my best to ignore Green Shirt Guy. When finished, I again apologize to the group for the disruptions, wish them a good night, and tidy up my stuff.

I then head to the back of the class and approach Green Shirt Guy. He immediately starts in – not quite yelling at me, but almost – about how he had planned to do his skipping workout and stretching in the GROUP EXERCISE studio and how he already had to wait for the Flow class to finish at 7:45, how he left his family to come to the gym, how no one does a skipping workout like him, how he was a personal trainer and, and, and… So I was like, I totally get that this is first week of the new schedule and the first week with 7:45 group ex classes, applogized for the lack of communicaiton about the new group ex hours, but that this was a group ex studio and that that’s what it is to be used for. Being a personal trainer, he would understand that. He continued to argue about how it should be ok for him to come in and do his skipping while I was teaching my class, that there was nowhere else in the gym to skip or stretch, about how much he pays to be member of the gym, was he really going to have to come in a 8:45 to do his skipping routine and saying that if he couldn’t do his skipping workout he was going to change gyms… he went on and on – it was RIDICULOUS! Every time I tried to explain why he couldn’t be in there (liability issues, respect for other people and their workouts) or when I suggested he could skip outside (what??? and ruin his rope – are you serous!!) he pretty much cut me off. Finally after about 15 minutes, I’m pretty sure he understood that he was free to do his workout elsewhere or after the group ex classes were finished. He had calmed down and somewhat acknowledged that his behaviour was inappropriate. It’s all good.

But, I couldn’t just leave it there….

I”m a pretty good skipper. I was on the skipping team in elementary school (yep, 30 years ago) and skip now and then with my fitness classes at school. Since he was going on and on and on and on and on and on about how we were messing with his skipping workout, I decided to challenge him to a doubles contest. He laughed, said there was no way I would beat him, said all the CrossFit in the world wouldn’t make me a better skipper than him – I told whatever, I don’t do CrossFit, let’s go! He then suggested a triples contest and handed me a rope. I told him I didn’t know how to do triples, so we settled on a doubles contest.

Keep in mind, I’ve just done taught a one hour cardio class.

I get started – 1…2…3…4…

He starts 1…2…3…he gets tangled in the rope.

I’m still going 5…6…7…

He tries again 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…he gets tangled in the rope.

I’m still going ….15…16…17…

He tries again and gets to 3

I’m still going…25…26…27…

He tries and fails, tries and fails, tries and fails…

I’m still going ….51…52…53…54 and then I quit.

I did 54 doubles in a row, he did 7 🙂

Take that Green Shirt Guy. I think I just earned the right to the studio. You’d better get outside and practice your skipping!

Can you believe someone would do that?

Is there no such thing as Gym Etiquette?

Motivational Monday – YOU are Enough!




After yesterday’s ‘Tabata That’ CrossFit workout my quads are killing me! Seriously, sitting down to pee is the most painful thing ever!

If you judge a workout by how sore your muscles are the next day, then this one is for you!



• The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
• Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in each of the eight intervals.

Tabata Double Unders

Rest 1 minute

Tabata Squat

Rest 1 minute

Tabata Pull-up

Rest 1 minute

Tabata Push-up

Rest 1 minute

Tabata Sit-up

What’s your favorite CrossFit workout?