Tag Archives: nutrition

Healthy Lifestyle Challenge #9 – Add These Foods to Your Meal Plan

Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying your weekend! Did you manage to get 30 minutes of physical activity in yesterday? It’s THIS WEEK’s CHALLENGE, so be sure to schedule it into your daily routine, and continue to drink that water!


Eat one food that is high in SELENIUM.


Selenium is an essential mineral that

  • works as an antioxident, protecting your cells from damage
  • helps your thyroid produce thyroid hormone
  • lowers your risk of joint inflammation
  • helps your immune system work properly by helping build up white blood cells that help the body fight illness and infection

Adults over the age of 19 need 55 micrograms/day, pregnant women need 60 and breastfeeding women need 70 micrograms/day.


Choose from any one of the following selenium rich foods:


Be sure to check the serving size and micrograms of selenium to make sure you are getting enough.

Keep in mind – too much of a good thing can be bad. The safe upper limit for selenium is 400 micrograms a day in adults. Anything above that is considered an overdose, so watch your portion size!


It’s Wednesday, which means another instalment of What I Ate Wednesday!


My focus this week has been on packing a bigger “lunch” with more snacks to help me make it through the 3pm sugar cravings!

My work schedule allows me the opportunity to eat between 9:30-11, 12:15-1:30, and after 3pm. Although most people would be ok eating lunch at 12:15, I am not! There is no way I can go from 6:30 am to 12:15 pm without eating! No way!

So, I pretty much split my lunch into smaller snacks and eat at little at 9:30am, a little more at 12:30pm, and the rest at 3pm. And, I’m pleased to say, it’s working! By eating more frequently throughout the day, I am craving less sugar and not eating like a hug pig the minute I walk in the door after work!

So, here’s what I ate today….

Breakfast (6:30am)


2 egg omelet with shredded cheddar cheese and a slice of light rye toast with raspberry jam. My husband bought me an awesome little omelet maker for Christmas and I have to say, it makes THE best omelettes ever! The are so fluffy!

Snack #1 (9:45am)


One avocado. This was the first time I had ever eaten plain avacado…it was yummy…but really filling!

Snack #2(12:30pm)


Crackers and Cheese, 1 Apple (sliced) and one Eat Clean Dark Fudgy Brownie

Snack #3 (3pm)



Dinner (5:30pm)


Pork Tenderloin, Broccoli and Grilled Red Pepper

Snack #4 (7:00pm)


Eat Clean Apple Crisp This apple crisp was ah-mazing! Seriously, probably the best I’ve ever had! You should make it, it’s easy, quick and clean…what more could you as for?

Here is a nutritional summary of my day:


How was your Wednesday?

What do you eat?

Elf For Health Holiday Challenge Starts Monday!

I am super excited to be a part of the Elf For Health Holiday Challenge being hosted by Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean and Elle from nutritionella.


The Elf For Health Holiday Challenge is a six week challenge that starts Monday and is designed to help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals over the holidays. There are daily tasks, daily winners, prizes, weekly newsletters, and a Facebook group for support.

As an elf, your task is to support your assigned buddy with their holiday health goals and the daily challenges. You will get a new elf buddy every two weeks to keep things fun and give you the chance to meet new people.

Here is a list of some of the daily challenges we will be doing over the six weeks:


Interested in becoming an elf and joining the Elf For Health Holiday Challenge? It’s not too late, you can jump in for round 2 – click here to sign up! Just tell them Erin sent you 🙂

What do you Eat Before A Workout? – August Writing Challenge #26

So, I totally missed yesterday’s post, but don’t worry – here it is! Yesterday’s Blogger Challenge Question was what do you eat before a workout?

Well, for me, it depends on the workout.

Before a Sunday morning long run I have a Vanilla Cliff Shot and a glass of water…usually about 15 minutes before heading out the door!

Before a weekday morning BodyAttack class, I usually have an oatmeal pancake. They are super yummy, easy to make, easy on the tummy and provide enough energy to make it through the one hour, high impact, cardio conditioning class.

Evening workouts are a little different – I’m still trying to figure out what works for me. I am definitely someone who needs to eat before a workout, but I have yet to find the balance between eating too early and eating too late, feeling like I’m going to barf, and feeling like I’m going to pass out!

So, what you eat before your morning/afternoon/evening workout?

This Weeks Favourites – Reblogged

So I’ve decided that once a week I will reblog some of the great posts i’ve come across over the past week. Everyday I read soooo many awesome posts that I thought it would be a great idea to share them with my readers. Hope you enjoy! Just clink on the thumbnail to go to the post.

1. Eat The Rainbow – by Berry, Berry Happy
This is a great post outlining what fruits and veggies you should be eating and their benefits.



2. 3 Superfoods, 3 Ways – by haute + healthy
Not sure what to do with those Chia Seeds you’ve been hearing so much about lately…find out here!



3. 11 Ways to Increase Energy – by Genuine Joy
Need an energy boost? Here are 11 natural ways to get it!




4. Portion Size by thepickyrabbit
A great guide to help you better understand portion size by just using your hands.



5. Glorious Superfoods – by mokshafrika
A great list of superfoods and their benefits.




6. The Dirty Dozen, When to Buy Organic by Healthy Runner Wife
Not sure if its worth the money to buy organic? Check out this list of fruits and veggies to see which ones have the highest levels of pesticides and where to spend your money.


7. Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods by Living Well
Find out which 10 foods you should eat and why to slow down the aging process.



8. Just Ate, Still Hungry??? by Skinny Fat to Sexy Fit
Wondering why you’re still hungry after you have just eaten? Check out this list of possible reasons.



9. Useful Sticker Info by Run the Walk
I thought this was kinda neat…had no idea!




10. Pike Planks by Cheddar & Burpees
Looking for a killer ab exercise to add to your workout…well this is it!

Is Sugar Toxic?

This past Sunday 60 Minutes aired a segment called “Is Sugar Toxic?”, and guess what….according to Dr. Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at The University of California, IT IS!

Here are 8 things I learned about sugar from watching this program:

1. The whole low-fat movement in the 1980’s geared towards decreasing the incidence of heart disease has totally backfired! When the food companies removed the fat, they replaced it with sugar to help foods maintain their good taste. Now we are fatter and unhealthier than ever!

2. Sugar is to blame for America’s health crisis and is the root cause of obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

3. The average American consumes 130 pounds of sugar each year! The average Canadian is only slightly better, consuming 110 grams of sugar per day (26 teaspoons), which is approximately 88 pounds of sugar in one year! Source

4. Sugar is everywhere! It’s in the obvious places like table sugar, honey, syrup, and cereal, but it’s also in foods like yogurt, bread, peanut butter and pretty much all processed foods!

5. Despite what many nutritionists claim, all calories are NOT created equal. Different calories have different roles within our bodies. Proteins cause different responses in our brains and bodies than sugars.

6. When we eat too much sugar it gets converted to fat in the liver and causes an increase in the levels of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) – very bad cholesterol – which forms plaque in our arteries and leads to heart disease and strokes.

7. Sugar is addictive. When they looked at our brains response to sugar, they found that upon consumption, the brain releases Dopamine, just as it does in response to cocaine. They also discovered that we build a tolerance for it, just as we do to drugs or alcohol, which means the more sugar we eat, the more we need to eat to get the same euphoric feeling.

8. Since eating sugar causes a spike in our insulin levels, and certain cancers (breast and colon) have insulin receptors on them, the insulin binds to these receptors and tells the tumor to absorb the sugars. Basically, the sugar is feeding the tumor, and causing it to grow.

If you have time and are interested in watching the full segment, you can find it HERE.

So, here’s what I think about the whole thing… I agree that most of us eat too much sugar, especially in the form of candy, sugary drinks and processed foods. However, I think that the idea of not eating any sugar at all is UNREALISTIC! Sure, we could give up desserts and pop, but like I said above, sugar is everywhere!

According to myfitnesspal.com, I am over on my sugar intake every. single. day. I usually consume at least double, sometimes even triple the suggested amount (which for me ranges between 30 and 40 grams per day). Some days all of my sugars come from natural sources (like fruits and vegetables) – which I’m totally okay with, but other days – usually the days I’m WAY over, it’s because I’ve put chocolate chips in my oatmeal pancake or eaten sugary snacks 😦

Eating Clean is a great way to limit the amount of sugar in your diet. My plan is to continue to make as many Clean meals as I can and try to avoid the sugary snacks and pop (which will be ridiculously difficult)!

Did you watch the segment? What did you think? Do you need to decrease your sugar consumption? If so, how difficult will it be for you?