Monthly Archives: July 2012

My 5 Favourite Workout Songs – August Writing Challenge #1

Todays Blogger Challenge Question is: What are your 5 favourite workout songs and why?

The timing of this post is perfect. I am starting to run again (as I train for the Niagara Falls International Half Marathon this October) and my playlist is in desperate need of an update! I didn’t run with music while training for The Toronto Women’s Half Marathon in May, and before that it had been a LONG time since I ran at all, which means super old songs on my iPod.

Here are 5 songs that I am definitely going to be adding to my updated playlist: (Warning: it kinda sounds like the playlist of a 12 year old girl, but oh well, the songs are fun, and keep me going…and that’s all that matters, right?!)

1. What Makes You Beautiful – One Direction

2. Fun – We Re Young

3. I Like How it Feels – Enrique Iglesias Feat. Pitbull

4. Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen

5. You & I – Sweat Box

What are your 5 favourite songs to workout to?

August Writing Challenge

Im super excited to take part in The August Healthy Living/Fitness Blogger Writing Challenge being hosted by Janice over at the Fitness Cheerleader.

Each day for the month of August, I will write a post on a specific topic, link it back to Janice’s blog and read and comment on other like minded bloggers posts. Not only does this challenge give me 31 days worth of blogging ideas, but it is a great way to meet other bloggers and find new blogs to follow.


It all starts tomorrow! Stay tuned!

July Foodie PenPal

This month I was super excited to have my first ever Foodie PenPal experience.


I’m sure you are probably wondering what the heck is a Foodie PenPal? Well, it’s a program created by Lindsay at The Lean Green Bean, in which bloggers (and non-bloggers) send a food package to someone and receive a food package from someone else. It’s a great way to meet other bloggers and discover new blogs.

This month I received a package from Tina.


Tina is from Newfoundland and sent me some delicious local treats including Bakeapple tea (which I am sipping at as I write this post), two kinds of homemade fudge, and a package of Jam Jams.


I also received a package of SunRype FunBites and a Vega Whole Food Vibrancy Bar. The Fruit Bites were a hit with my daughter and I was actually surprised at how good the Vega Bar was!


And my most favourite part of the who package was the Dark Chocolate Bar…straight from France! I was a little hesitant to try the chocolate bar because I’m not a huge fan of dark chocolate…but it was sooo good…and good for you!


Thanks so much Tina for making my first Foodie PenPal experience such a great one!

If you are interested in becoming a Foodie PenPal, just click on the stamp above and it will take you to Lindsay’s blog and the sign-up page.

Motivational Monday – Progress Counts Too!


Find Your Greatness

I just came across this awesome motivational Nike commercial and thought I’d share it. Here’s to finding your greatness!

Three Things Thursday!

1. My little man is on the move! Tanner started army crawling this week. He’s only 6.5 months old…Yikes! Time to start baby proofing!

I took a video of it and would love to show you, but I can’t seem to upload videos on wordpress…not sure why…any suggestions?

2. I got my sweat on tonight! For the first time in almost 8 weeks, I actually sweated at the gym! I did a BodyAttack class tonight – don’t worry mom, I only went about 75% – my foot felt awesome, but man am I outta shape!! I look forward to slowing building up my endurance and the impact so I can get back to team teaching and get my certification video done. My new goal is to submit by August 31st.

3. We are headings the zoo tomorrow! Probably not the greatest day to go since it’s suppose to rain in the afternoon, but Ryan is super excited and has been patiently waiting for me to get my boot off so we can go. Don’t want to disappoint! Let’s hope the rain and thunderstorms hold off until at least noon or one so we can see a few of the animals!

I’m off to watch Big Brother…hope you have a great night!

This Weeks Favourites – Reblogged #5

The Freezer Club by Looking For The Sweet Spot. Why not start your own Freezer Club? Gather a group of friends, plan a menu, each prepare one meal and walk away with freezer full of delicious and nutritious meals… Sounds awesome to me!

Cashew Chip Cookies by Ingredients of a Fit Chick. These cookies look amazing…will be baking them this week for sure!

12 Salads Worse Than A Big Mac by Slimming Down. Thinking of ordering a salad next time you are out for lunch or dinner? You might want to reconsider when you find out just how unhealthy they can be!

10 Tips for a Healthier, Happier You by The Dietitian Dishes. Here are 10 pretty simple things you can do to better your health and improve your diet lifestyle.

31 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy by The Magic Herb. If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for an energy boost. Why not give one or two (or more) of these 31 suggestions a try!

12 Ideas to Keep You Motivated to go Running by FitnessNOW for Dummies. As I get back into running and start training for The Niagara Falls International Half Marathon, staying motivated and committing to the training program will be much easier if I remember these 12 tips. Happy running!

Motivational Monday: Either You Want It, Or You Don’t!


The Week Ahead

This week I am going to focus on three things….

No snacking after dinner.

Start working my cardio. I’m super excited to be boot-less and can’t wait to get back to BodyAttack and running. I know I need to take it SLOW and work my way back into things, but I’m ready! Here is my workout plan for the week.

Monday – walk
Tuesday – BodyAttack – LOW impact only!
Wednesday – walk
Thursday – BodyAttack – LOW impact again
Friday – run/walk
Saturday – rest
Sunday – run/walk

Of course all of this depends on how my foot feels, but it’s been 7 weeks since I was diagnosed with stress fractures, and I’m hoping things are fully healed.

Go to the zoo!

What are you focusing on this week?

Friday Foodbyte – Top Ten Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Every once in a while I get the chance to putter around on Pinterest and I often come across pins like this:


And I wonder, is this for real? Do these 10 foods really fight belly fat?

I mean, there is really no accountability when it comes to pinning something, anyone can pin anything and no one checks to see if what you are saying is legit.

Well, in this case, it’s true, these 10 foods DO help fight belly fat.

These foods are all Abs Diet Powerfoods – they do one or more of the following: help build muscle, strengthen bone, fight cancer, improve immune function, decrease blood pressure, fight disease, and/or promote weight loss. (source)

Here’s the skinny on these ten belly fat burning foods…

1. Oatmeal – this high fiber cereal gives you an energy boost, helps maintain blood sugar levels, and is filling enough to hold you over until lunchtime, which means no mid-morning bagel or donut! Choose plain oatmeal over the flavored options as they are loaded with sugar and add fresh berries or a little honey to jazz it up. Or, try this recipe for overnight oats, super easy and delicious!

2. Nuts – high in fiber and monounsaturated (good) fats, a handful of nuts helps clear your arteries and makes you feel fuller longer. Enjoy your nuts with a glass of water and they are sure to suppress your appetite! Be sure to avoid salted nuts as too much sodium raises blood pressure. Click here to find out which 5 nuts you should be adding to your diet.

3. Olive Oil – loaded with antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, olive oil helps control food cravings and burns fat.

4. Eggs – this high quality protein source helps build muscle and contains Vitamin B12 which is necessary for fat breakdown. Breakfast, lunch or dinner, eggs are great anytime!

5. Whey Protein – this high quality, animal protein, contains essential amino acids that help build muscle and burn fat. Add it to your morning smoothie and make it your most fat burning meal of the day! Click here for some delicious protein smoothie recipes!

6. Berries – high in soluble fibre, berries are a great low calorie way to satisfy your hunger and keep you feeling full. Be sure to eat your berries in their natural form (fresh or frozen) as opposed to in jams or jellies to avoid the added sugar.

7. Lean Meats – turkey, chicken, fish and lean beef provide the body with lots of energy and aid in muscle building. Did you know that it takes more energy to digest proteins than it does to digest carbs and fats? Yep, it’s true! But, be sure to choose lean cuts of beef, and avoid fatty meats like sausages and processed meats like bacon.

8. Whole Grains – eating whole grains, such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta and brown rice, help keep insulin levels low and prevent you from storing fat.

9. Peanut Butter – natural, that is…no sugar added, unprocessed, just crushed up peanuts…is packed with monounsaturated fat that helps our muscles grow and our bodies burn fat.

10. Green Veggies – spinach, broccoli and asparagus are loaded with fiber and contain very few calories. Why not start your day with a Green Smoothie? Click here for some great Green Smoothie Recipes.

So the idea behind the Abs Diet is to incorporate as many of these Powerfoods into your diet each day as you can. Not only do these 10 foods promote fat loss and muscle growth, but they also have many other benefits such as decreasing your risk of heart disease and lowering blood pressure. Interested in learning more, click here to go to the Abs Diet site.

Check back next week for another installment of Friday Foodbytes!