
Happier, Healthier, More Fit Me is about my life as a mom of  two small children and my desire to eat healthier, exercise more, and just become an overall healthier person.

I started this blog in March of 2012, a little over a month after having my son Tanner, as a way to be more accountable in my journey back to my pre pregnancy weight and level of fitness. Well, I’ve lost my baby weight, but I’m not where I want to be in terms of my fitness. I sort of feel like this is something I can, and will, be working on forever – my journey…. Not that I’m unfit…I recently ran a half marathon – will be running another one this fall – I workout regularly and I’m training to become a group ex instructor…I just feel like this is an area where there will always be room for improvement…

I hope you enjoy my blog, maybe even find some useful information or inspiration to live a healthier life yourself 🙂

23 responses to “About

  1. Hi Erin, thanks for checking out my blog and liking one of my posts! I’ll be looking to your blog for motivation – keep up the great work!

  2. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for the Very Inspirational Blogger Award. All the information is in my latest post: http://foodwithwhitney.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/ive-been-nominated/, and i did this because your blog is so motivational and is really helpful for those of us bloggers just trying to live a healthier life and find a community in which we can gain support and information. I love it!!

  3. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspirational Blogger Award! All of the information is in my latest post: http://prettygirlfit.wordpress.com/2012/06/29/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award Keep up the good work!

  4. I appreciate the like on my post! I will be following your blog.

  5. I look forward to checking back, your blog is great! Also, thanks for liking my post.

  6. I hope you enjoy my reblog of Reese’s P.Bitty Bars. While a lot of the recipes I am posting cannot be classified as healthy because they are recipes I’ve had for 20 or 30 years, I pretty much only eat healthy these days so more and more posts will be dedicated to healthy eating. Come by and browse the archives, ask questions or feel to comment any time.

  7. Thanks for the visit to The Nutrition Doctor is In the Kitchen and the like on my recent posts, I appreciate it! Hope I can be of help to you in your journey. Cheers, PKN

  8. Hey Inny. I’ve been nominated for Liebster Award and wanted to pay it forward by nominating your blog for one too!

    The Rules:
    1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
    2. Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
    3. Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
    4. Choose 11 people to award and send them a link to your post. Go to their page and tell them.
    5. No tag backs.

    Happy blogging!

    I’ve been nominated for a Liebster Award!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I look forward to catching up on yours!

  10. Hey there! Just nominated you for a Liebster Award. Congrats!

    My Favorite Things…

  11. Hi Erin,

    Thanks for “following” my blog! I’m checking out yours now and I’m loving it! Looking forward to more!


  12. Hey Inny…I’m nominating you for another award. Not just because your my sister, but because I think your beautiful….and your blog is awesome!
    See all the details here http://mypursuitofhappinessandskinnyjeans.wordpress.com/2013/01/13/its-awards-season/

  13. Hay, Erin….it Tara M. I went out to shovel my snow….i mean walkway, and saw a cute lil pkg on my doorstep, Such a treat my boys were scampering to open the super taped box. They loved the cookies and my husband is on a vegitarian lentan fast so the chips and granola is awsome ! Thanks so much we will send a proper card soon but i wanted to let you know i did get it 🙂

  14. Thanks for the comment on my blog 🙂

  15. You’re an inspiration to other mothers because not all moms understand the necessity and benefits of staying fit and getting back in shape.

    Keep it up!

  16. HI Erin! Love your blog and you are definitely an inspiration. I have nominated you for The Very Inspirational Blogger Award. I see you have been nominated before and well deserved!

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

    Thanks again for your continued inspiration!!

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