Monthly Archives: September 2012

Three Things Thursday – She’s on the Run!

1. I finally bought some new running shoes! I decided to stick with the Asics Gel Nimbus’ – I’ve been running in them for years and figured why mess with a good thing. They’re super cute too!


2. My sister and I did speed training last night – four 400m sprint repeats with 400m jogging rest between – and I pretty much hated every second of it! I actually thought I was going to puke after the first one…might not have been such a great idea to wolf down a slice of pizza 15 minutes before leaving the house! Lesson learned. The next three weren’t too bad…

3. Only 23 days, 7 hours, and 25 minutes until race day! This weekend will be our last long run before the big race. We are running 20km on Sunday and then we will be starting our taper (apparently we should be doing one more long run – 22km – but with Thanksgiving and then a weekend away, its just not going to work). We will do a couple of more weeks of 400m repeats and a couple of tempo runs, but for the most part, our runs will just be plain old steady running. Which should be ok, since the taper is all about decreasing mileage while maintaining intensity…right?


Motivational Monday – My Weakest Muscle!


Three Things Thursday!

1. I missed my hill training workout this week 😦 My sister had to go to a function at my nephews school last night, so she wasn’t able to meet me to run, and my nephew wasn’t able to babysit 😦 Unfortunately, she has a hockey game tonight so she isn’t able to go tonight either. Bummer! I was actually looking forward to our last hill workout of the program!

2. I’m not sleeping well 😦 I’m totally exhausted and have no problems falling asleep, but after getting up to feed Tanner sometime in the middle of the night, I can’t seem to fall back to sleep. I’m up for at least an hour and a half, but usually more. My mind starts going and I can’t seem to shut I off 😦

I’ve started taking a GSF Complex – it’s suppose to help turn your brain off which is exactly what I need. Hopefully I will see results soon, I’m exhausted!


3. I’ve decided to join Tosca Reno’s Sugar Strike for the last 10 days of September. I have not been eating well lately…actually I’ve been eating like total crap, so as a first step, I’ve decided to eliminate sugar for 10 days.

Here’s what to do when the sugar craving hits…


Luckily Tosca does allow sugar substitutes! I’m not sure I can go 10 days without any ‘sweets’!


Time to get baking…first up – Eat Clean Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins 🙂

Motivational Monday – Are You Dripping With Awesome?


Three Things Thursday – Good Eats :)

So I have not been eating well at all lately, and I am feeling it in everything I do. I’ m lacking energy and motivation, I’m not sleeping well and basically feel like a lump of lard 😦

Well, today I finally did something about it…and I’m going to share with you the three awesome Clean Eating dishes I made today 🙂

1. Eat Clean Lasagna:

This recipe is from the Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook, and is by far my most favourite lasagna recipe. I discovered it just over 2 years ago and it is the only lasagna I’ve made since. It serves 10 – which means lots of leftovers 🙂


2. Eat Clean Ham, Cheese and Broccoli Casserole:

Another favourite of mine. This recipe involves quite a bit of prep, but is totally worth it! It is absolutely delicious and again, makes enough for leftovers!


3. Eat Clean Peanut Butter Brownies:

This recipe is from the latest edition of Clean Eating Magazine and let me tell you – these brownies are amazing! At only 153 calories per brownie (and even less if you forget to put in the butter like I did– oops), you will be tempted to eat them all…or is it just me?


So, dinner is taken care of for the next few nights, leftovers are already in the freezer, and it’s time to go watch Big Brother! I hope you had a great Thursday – only one more day until the weekend! WooHoo!

Motivational Monday! Strength


Three Things Thursday!

Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you are having a great day!

1. Labour Day Monday we packed up the kids and headed to the CNE for the day. We had such a great time! Ryan went on a ton of rides loved every one of them…even the dragon rollercoaster! Tanner, well, he’s just such an easy going happy little guy…he hung out in his stroller all day and watched all the craziness going on around him. Here are some pictures from our little trip to the Canadian National Exhibition:


2. My half marathon training is still going well. Last Sunday, I ran 16km and last night we did hill training – 6 hills – an once again, I can honestly say, neither were bad. Sunday’s long run was a bit lonely, there aren’t may people out on the trails at 6:40 in the morning, but on the bright side, I was out before the humidity sunk in and when I got home, I still had the whole day ahead of me!

Hill training was good. I ran with my sister, which always makes my run more fun and pass by quicker. We did 6 hills – each of which was about 480m long. In the end, we ran up almost 6.5 km. I’m not sure if my times were any better than last week, for some reason my Garmin would not do laps…I still need to figure that thing out!

My husband is home sick today so I might actually get out for a tempo run later tonight…very exciting 🙂 Sunday’s long run is 18km and next week we’ve got 7 hills! WooHoo!

3. I hate to say this, but I am super excited for fall. I love all of the beautiful colours when the leaves change and running in cooler weather is awesome! I am also looking forward to things slowing down a bit (as they usually do when fall arrives) which will give me more time to plan and cook healthy clean meals.

What have you been up to this week?

Are you looking forward to fall or wanting summer to stick around?

Motivational Monday Wednesday! Fly High!

So, last night I realized I totally missed this weeks Motivational Monday 😦 Maybe it was because it was a long weekend, maybe it’s because I’ve been super busy with other things….who knows…it really doesn’t matter. I’m going to go with my “better late than never” philosophy and post it today.

I know I used this quote in my post A Letter to my Future Self, but it’s a great little piece of advice and always good to keep in the back of your mind for those days when you realize something or someone is holding you back from being a better you!


Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you have a great day!