Tag Archives: wellness


Motivational Monday – EVERY Hour Counts!


Motivational Monday!


Motivational Monday – Be About It!


Motivational Monday – Make it Yours!


Motivational Monday – It’s YOUR Life!


Three Things Thursday – Late Again!

Hey everyone! It’s the weekend! WooHoo!

1. I’ve been a little MIA lately…things have been crazy busy – with summer school, hubby working out of town and 2 sick kids, I just haven’t been able to find the time to blog 😦 Snuggles with my kids and sleep have overruled! I hope to get back on track soon 🙂

2. As I mentioned 2 weeks ago now, I went to my first official CrossFit workout with my sister and…I loved it – once it was over, that is! No, it was awesome, but OMG, it was tough!

We started with a warm-up, two laps of the building, lunges, burpees, squats and sit-ups and then we had a little lesson how how to do the two moves involved in the WOD – thrusters and knees to elbows. I think I was the only newbie there, but Coach Ryan was a great teacher.

Here are videos of the 2 moves.


Knees to Elbows

It took me a bit to get used to the thrusters – I was totally using my traps and shoulders to support the bar instead of letting it rest on my upper chest, but once I learned to relax my wrists and keep my elbows up, it got a bit easier.

The workout was a partner workout, so my sister and I were a team, which was awesome. She has been doing CrossFit since January and absolutely loves it. She goes 3x a week and has gotten really good at the moves and has really increased her strength and overall fitness!

We did 5 rounds each of 2 minutes AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of 12 thrusters and 8 knees to elbows.

We used the yellow bar for the thrusters (35 lbs) and since I can’t really do knees to elbows, we did the modified “knees to wherever”, which for me was a little higher than waist height. Man, this workout was HARD!

We did 13 rounds in 20 minutes, which I’m think was pretty good. There was absolutely no way I could have worked any harder!!

I’m actually thinking of joining a CrossFit box before the end of the month. There is a one that just opened in my area that has a wicked deal on right now…50% off…and even tho I’m not sure how often I will be able to get there, at only $75 a month, if I only get there 2x a week, it’s less than $10 a workout!! Which is ridiculously cheap in the world of CrossFit!

3. I think I might start running again! A friend of mine has asked me to run a half marathon with her in the fall and I’m actually considering it!

I went for a couple of run last week, the first was not too bad, the second – well, I hope it wasn’t a sign from the running gods, cause I got caught in a wicked downpour! My plan was to run 4k, but once I got started I could see the gray skies moving in, but figured I would head out and see what happened. Well, I ended up only doing 3k and I got soaked!


And so did my phone 😦 It guess it only got a bit too wet because everything worked but the microphone, I couldn’t hear a thing – not music, not phone calls, nothing! I popped it into a bag of rice, left it for 24 hours, and it was good as new when I turned it back on 🙂

Oh, and within two minutes of getting home, the rain stopped and it started to clear up.


And 20 minutes later… it was bright an sunny again!

I haven’t been out for a run since, but I hope to get out once this weekend since my training program starts next week! Lets hope I don’t get soaked again!

Do you do CrossFit? Is it worth the $$$?

Are you training for a fall race? If so, which one and when?

Motivational Monday!


Three Things Thursday Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope you had a great week! Here’s what up with me…

1. School finished last Friday! Which would be totally awesome, except that I’ve committed to teaching summer school for the month of July 😦 Its not all bad tho, the paycheck (when it arrives) is pretty sweet and I’m teaching Careers, which is a pretty easy course to get through. All but one of my 32 students is reaching ahead, so they are super keen and very hard working.

I am however, counting down the days…18 to go!


2. My 30 Day Healthy Lifestyle Challenge was super fun, but a lot more work than I had expected! Blogging for 30 days straight is tough! I hope you enjoyed the challenge, any suggestions for my next one?

3. I’m going to my first real Crossfit workout on Saturday! My sister is taking me to her box as a guest – I’m super excited, but very nervous!

Here’s our WOD:

Partner workout – 3 minutes each round per person followed by 3 minute break while the other partner does the work – 5 rounds total each = 30 minutes total

It will be continous so that the partner will take over where the other one leaves off.


12 Thrusters #95/65

8 Knee to Elbow

I will be sure to let you know what I think and how I make out, it’s going to be interesting!

Have a great weekend!

Motivational Monday – I Shape Me!

Oops, totally forgot yesterday was Monday! Oh well, let’s get motivated!


Have a great week!

Healthy Lifestyle Challenge #30 – Commit!

Today is the last day of June, which means the last Healthy Lifestyle Challenge post 😦


commit to your health.


– make time for exercise
– eat clean
– drink water
– spend time with friends
– train your brain
– get enough sleep
– take time for yourself
– be grateful
– wear sunscreen
– stretch
– And be kind to yourself and others!

Commit to lifestyle changes you have made.

Commit to working on the ones you have not yet fully embraced.

Commit to living a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Commit to you!
