Category Archives: Awards

The Versatile Blogger

So, back near the end of December, Chelsea from runninggurl nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks Chelsea, I’m honoured!

Unfortunately, things were crazy busy then and I didn’t get a chance to write about it. Luckily things have settled a bit and I’m finally going to fulfill my duties as an award winner.


The Rules
Like everything else, the Versatile Blogger Award has rules and regulations. So, here’s what I need to do:

1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

7 random facts about me:

1. My favourite cookie is the viva puff.

2. I’m super excited hockey is back! Nothing better than a little HNIC on a Saturday night! Go Leafs Go!

3. I can only bush my air when it’s wet…if I try to brush it dry, it just gets big and frizzy!

4. My favourite TV shows are Grey’s Anatomy and Criminal Minds.

5. I’ve had 5 surgeries on my left knee…and probably need another.

6. I’ve had 3 jobs my whole life.

7. I ran my first marathon when my sister turned 40, and I’m thinking we should run a second when I turn 40.

Blogs I am nominating (some of whichever recently discovered, others I’ve been following forever!):

Amy @Peonut

Cathy @ My Pursuit of Happiness and Skinny Jeans

Thea @ It’s Me vs Me

Kim @ Redefining Kim

Tamara @ fitknitchick

Sarah @ My (Mostly) Healthy Life…

Bed @ Bex Built a Family

Rachel @ Restoring Rachel

Sorry, can only come up with 8… quality over quantity, right!

Hope you enjoy checking out some of my favourite blogs! I look forward to learning more about you and finding new blogs to follow! Thanks for being so awesome!