Tag Archives: North Bay

Three Things Thursday – Summer Vacay!

1. Well, today is Day 1 of my summer holidays, and I could not be more excited! Sumer school finished yesterday, and although it pays well, missing out on a month of my summer kinda sucked! I’m pretty sure I won’t be doing that again next year, and if I do, I will definitely only be doing it for 2 weeks! So, let the fun begin!! Here’s what we have lined up for the next couple of weeks…

2. We are heading to North Bay for the weekend to have a visit with my parents and hopefully see my Grandma.

August long weekend is always super fun in North Bay. There is a huge Summer in the Park Festival with outdoor concerts (Carly Rae Jepsen, Dragonette, and Metric, to name a few), vendors, a midway and fireworks!

No only that, but there is a ton of fun stuff for the kids – the Heritage Carousel , Mini Train rides, a gorgeous waterfront with a huge park and tons of beautiful beaches.


The weather is supposed to be pretty good, hopefully I will have some great stories and picture to share with you next week!

3. Next week we are going to my sister’s cottage. It’s their annual cottage party week and I’m super pumped for it! It seems like forever since I’ve just relaxed, hung out with friends, ate great food and enjoyed a few drinks. I can’t wait! And the kids are pretty excited too. Most of our friends have young kids and when they all get together they have a blast. I see some swimming, tubing, bike riding, boat rides and a little washer toss in my future! So fun!

I hope to get a few runs in while we are at the cottage and I’m even thinking about bringing my TRX. I’ve actually been eating well and exercising consistently for the last two weeks, hopefully I don’t get all off track next week!

Have an awesome long weekend!

What are your plans?

How to you stay on track with eating well and exercising while on holidays?

Three Things Thursday

1. I’m super excited for this weekend! Dylan’s friend Mike and his fiancĂ© Lily are getting married Saturday afternoon at The Granite Brewery in Toronto. I’ve never been to this venue, but checked it out online and it looks perfect for a beautiful outdoor wedding. The forecast is calling for thundershowers, so pray to the sun gods that they hold off until after the ceremony! Isn’t it suppose to be good luck if I rains on your wedding day? At least I think that’s what Alanis Morissette told me!

We decided to get a hotel for the night so that we can both have a great time and not worry about getting home after…so, I’m super pumped to get my drink on!!! Oh yeah!

But…A night away means leaving the kids with a sitter for the night. We’ve left Ryan overnight before but its only ever been with family, so, I’m a little nervous, but totally trust our sitter and know the kids will be in good hands.

Any bets on how any times I will call home to check in?

2. We went home to North Bay last weekend to visit with family. Thinking we would avoid the long weekend cottage country traffic, we decided to go Saturday morning. Well, what is usually a 3 hour drive took us about 5.5 hours. It was brutal! Ryan did not nap AT ALL, and Tanner cried and fussed for the last hour and a half. Talk about a crappy start to the weekend!

The rest of the weekend was pretty awesome!

We went down to the waterfront and enjoyed a couple of carousel rides…


Went for a ride on the mini train…


Played at the park…


Toured a fire truck…


Took time to smell the pretty flowers…


Wandered around looking super cute…



Went swimming…


Visited Great Grandma Gray (aka Triple G…or if your 2…Purple G)!


And even enjoyed the ride home on Monday! Ryan was all about making funny faces…too cute!


3. I am doing the July Ab Challenge hosted by Amanda over at Run To The Finish. The program is run by Strong Like Susan – you can find out more about her here. I’m only 5 days (4 workouts) in and I’m feeling it! Wow! These exercises are crazy intense! If you are interested in checking it out, here is the link to her youTube channel where you can find 30 days of crazy ab workouts.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!